Friday, January 21, 2011

Late Night Projects

ISO: 1250
Exposure: 1/80 sec
Aperture: 1.4
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No 

ISO: 3200
Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: 2.5
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No 

ISO: 3200

Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: 2.5
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No

So, the photo for today is really the Panda one.  I liked how it turned out.  The others are just well, crappy.  I've gone back to automatic mode to focus more on composition and less on all the rest.  I think I need a lot of work on that for a little while.  I do hate how the ISO is all super high, but we'll work on that in auto mode settings.  (Yep as the title alludes too, instead of sleeping like I should be doing, I've been working on a camera shaped camera case for my point and shoot and a bokeh filter for my camera.  


  1. Panda! Great choice of composition=D Oh, and I'm loving the projects too. Keep it up! (but you should still get good sleep ;D)

  2. Thanks, Adrienne, for the kind words! I feel like I'm 1 step forward and 10,000 steps back with my photography. I can't wait to see all your adventure photos!
