Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fat Asia

This post is in honor of milk tea and s2000s.

Camera: Canon T2i
ISO: 1250
Lens: 50mm f1.4
Shutter: 1/60
Flash: None
Lighting: Upper Left Parking Lot Light, Horizontal Right Neon Open Sign

Mental note to self: Always have a back up jacket in the car.  Shots WILL be blurry if you're shivering from the cold.  Also, no photos with license plates please.


  1. i like this post. a lot. because i like milk tea. and i LOVE s2000s. :]

  2. Lovely. I like the shallow depth of field and sense of motion (the background) in this one. maybe pulling in a tighter shot of the milk tea and only showing a part of it would also make a nice perspective?

  3. hehehee...the sense of motion was probably me shaking! it was so stinkin' cold!! man...three of my four shots were blurry because i couldn't stop shivering. This was the only one being close to "okay". And it was cropped for dramatic effect.

    I actually was trying to get a wider angle more of a pan shot...but those came out too blurry.

    I was standing away from where all the owners were, got down low and did a pan across all 20 s2ks. I was hoping for more of a car shot, but all I got was this. A girl put her fantasia down on her bfs car for a minute.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Adrienne! That would make a neat shot. =D
