Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cost Plus World Market

This is what happens when I go shopping...or actually go anywhere when I have my camera. I come back with photos of random things. This is a photo of random paper flowers they had in clearance at Cost Plus World Market. I like the shallow depth of field on this because it hides the shelves behind the flower and gives the whole photo a dreamy field of flowers feel and it hides their unnatural-ness a little.  The effect didn't work as well on the other picture...I had to increase the aperture (make the iris of the camera smaller) to increase my depth of field to get the whole of the flower in focus.  So the shelves are visible in the back.  


  1. I've been good about taking my camera around with me too! but i need to get better at uploading and posting. how's your new purse working out? my new wide angle lens came in today =)

  2. YaY! Where have you taken yours? Any places you recommend with good photo ops? I love going to target or many little knicknacks to photograph!

    I haven't used it. Just my camera bag which i love and is really great for everyday. Purse is more for when I don't want to look like I'm carrying a backpack. =P

    YAY for new Wide-angles!! Please post more pictures!!!
