Friday, April 1, 2011

Night of Worship

I went to see Francis Chan speak last week.  I wanted to take photos and capture something that I've only experienced so I could remember it.  Again this is a photoblog and as such, it's just supposed to be photos.  But to me photos capture feelings, emotions, who people are.  And if you've ever experienced the complete and udder joy and freedom during worship of a Heavenly father who loves you...that's what I wanted to capture...Photos help me remember things. 

So the following photos are to end on a humorous note, and well, i couldn't mixed them with the above photos...that just didn't feel right. 

baby wanders onto stage

i paparazzi a paparatzo (sp?)


  1. wow, great job colleen. i think you really did capture the emotion here. nice shot of francis chan too =).

  2. Thanks! Some of these photos are a little overexposed or underexposed. I think I need to learn how to use the AEB function of my camera because my manual setting selection not so good.
