Thursday, March 31, 2011

Robots Rule

So, I know this is a photo blog.  And I know these are just doodles.  And really I should just give up on my blog because I think I all of 3 people read this and it's only because the are so unbelievably kind and possibly unbelievably bored.  And I know a few of you know I went on a photo binge lately and went photo taking everyday last week during spring break. (yes, I'm one of those -- but before you think I'm some young High School student, I'm actually NOT and I'm going back after years of working for my graduate degree). Well, long story short, after hours of drawing transistors and looking at lattice structures, I felt like actually drawing. I have "misplaced" my sketchbook somewhere for the last 6 months. Anyway, didn't I already say long story short? I took some photos of a series of sketches. It explores the topic of robotic love/emotion. I hope you enjoy these sketches. thx. (See how I threw in the awesome interwebs lingo to give me that connection to the High Schooler Generation?  Aren't you jelly.).

PS. Promise I'll sort photos and post some soon.