Monday, March 21, 2011

Flight of the Bumble Bee...

Even the bumble bees are don't dare brave the wind, rain and hail.  
Camera: Canon T2i
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/15 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No

Also, as a joke from my coworker, an edit of one of last entries photos.  Made me laugh! =P This is what not being careful while you frame your shots (or not taking the time to crop your photos) will do for you.  


  1. aww...the bumble bee looks so bummed. great capture!

  2. Thanks, Adrienne! That bee is super bummed, it's been dead for some time. If you look closely, there's mold growing on it. =\

    And yes, that's MST3K. It was hilarious!!
