Sunday, June 5, 2011

Climb Time

On the side, I fancy myself a climber...sometimes...when I'm up to it.  Anywho, Friday was one of those days.  Here are some photos from the gym.  I wanted to emphasize the body shapes (how climbers tend to contort), so I moved the frame to enhance the lines of the body shapes.  I completely broke the "keep the horizon straight" rule.  And in some places broke the "give your person/animal/moving object somewhere to move into).  I hope it worked.  I would like to go back and punch up the color saturation.  It was really dark, indoor, so inorder to capture the speed and get not black images I put my camera into Shutter Priority mode, set the shutter speed to 1/200 and ISO to 6400.  I know...I hate the way it's so noisy.  But otherwise, I'd get some blurrrrrry dynos.  Things I would like to try, turn off the gym lights, get some studio lights and shoot away.  Also, might be cool to mount some head lamps inside of some jugs to get some interesting lighting on climbers faces.  Most of these shots were taken on the same V5 climb.  There's a top rope suspension shot and a V3. Special thanks to my normal climbing partner, Gary.  To Mike et friends.

Threw up more photos in my picasa.

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