Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Machinating Macronations...

taking over time and space...these macros are.   I would have liked to reframe the top photo to better place the stamens, but couldn't get things to focus right and the wind, and was cold outside. revisited yellow jacket.  Definitely needs more light and a tripod wouldn't hurt.

Monday, May 16, 2011

M is for Marco.

Fotodiox Macro Extension Tubes play...I know...I need to still do reading and a homework set...and yes, I know that I need to cut ribbon and have another 11 hour day at work tomorrow, but WHO CARES!!! MACROSIOS!!  Better than honey nut cheerios!

Here's my first shots, can you guess what they are?? (ps the answers are provided in the text following the picture...and I didn't take the pictures of the answer because I didn't want to change my lens to do so, so I just googled. =P)

glowing pile of pink rocks?  (link) guess again!

Gold brick?  (link) Nopes!

Human Torch through the window blinds?  (link) Not even close.

I could say it's a sign!  Macro play is fun and everything becomes so INTERESTING! (what could be more interesting than my digital design book?...after all in each and every design, everyone needs a sign).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some day, I'll fly away, leave all this to yesterday...

Silly pig, don't you know, toilet paper dreams are nothing more than just that, toilet paper, and we all know what that is good for.  Besides, you're a rock.

ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 42mm
Flash Used: No

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fear Through the Lens...

Assignment: Self-portrait with a prop.  I didn't actually enter, but this is what I put together for the assignment.

Camera: Canon
Model: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
ISO: 800
Exposure: 1/40 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 55mm
Flash Used: No

Lighting set up: Me, camera in front of a mirror with single light near my right shoulder.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Flowers Revisited....Finished constructing 210 green and pink flowers (many thanks to Dana W. and Albert for doing majority of the grunt work) for my sister's upcoming wedding and as commemoration, did some more shots.  Here's how they turned out...and people seemed to wonder how I really took this photo, so I took a picture of the lighting set up/storage of flowers.

And the set up: 

Camera: Canon
Model: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/40 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No

Camera: Canon
Model: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/60 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash Used: No

The set up:

The project objective: Take something small, make it look large, use one light, and anything I have available at home.   (Shampoo bottle is a travel sized bottle approximately 3.5")

How do you take something small and make it look large?  Answer: Dramatic lighting, lower POV for shot, portrait and elongate with lines.  
Lighting: Used black construction paper and hair tie to turn make snood (angled up toward subject to elongate light) and focus light on item and create more dramatic shadow to elongate bottle.  Used plastic folder to diffuse the light.  Used two compact mirrors for side kick lights.  Also, angled side mirrors to create light rays to focus on center image.  
Backdrop: 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper laid against the wall. 

Things I would fix: Increase amount of light and lower the apperature to increase depth of field.  Use a tripod. 

Special thanks to Christine for the construction paper and mirrors.